
Do you still have questions or would you like a concrete offer? We look forward to your enquiries. Here you will find various ways to contact us. Feel free to call us, send us an email or use the contact form. On the our team page you will also find specific, multilingual contact persons for our various routes.


H.W. Clemens GmbH

Internationale Spedition
Hermeshoven 3
D-41569 Rommerskirchen

Central: +49-(0)2183-8052-0
Fax: +49-(0)2183-8052-52
Fax: +49-(0)2183-8052-64


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H.W. Clemens GmbH

Internationale Spedition
Hermeshoven 3
D-41569 Rommerskirchen

Central: +49-(0)2183-8052-0
Fax: +49-(0)2183-8052-52
Fax: +49-(0)2183-8052-64